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Dr. Malone urges Americans not to succumb to what he refers to as the media's "fear porn.

Amidst reports of potential COVID-19 lockdowns, Dr Malone, who has faced criticism from left-wing sources labeling him a spreader of COVID disinformation, was even banned from Twitter in December for allegedly violating their coronavirus misinformation policy. In an interview with Just the News, Dr. Malone expressed his personal belief that the current situation is being exaggerated as fear-inducing content, without sufficient justification.

Echoing his stance, Dr. Malone went on to assert that the initial COVID lockdowns were "illegal" due to the infringement they placed on fundamental freedoms. He emphasized that there is no compelling evidence to suggest a need for the reimposition of restrictions, rendering the idea unsupported.

Recent developments have revealed the reintroduction of contact tracing and mask mandates in colleges and offices. Morris Brown College in Atlanta, for instance, has reinstated these precautionary measures despite no new reported cases. The decision to require masks on campus comes amid reports of positive cases among students in the Atlanta University Center, a consortium of black colleges and universities situated in western Atlanta.

Dr. Malone extended his scrutiny beyond the realm of COVID, highlighting the prevalent fear propagated around various topics such as human-induced climate change, infectious diseases, carbon-based energy, and the fear of nuclear war. Upon closer examination of the risks associated with new variants, he maintained that they appear relatively benign, with an extraordinarily low likelihood of causing serious harm.

Dr. Malone contemplated the potential implications of federal policy on different states, raising questions about whether states like Texas, Florida, or California would emulate such decisions. He expressed concern that if the federal government pursued a particular course, other states would feel compelled to follow suit, even at the expense of their own economies. This, he argued, could accentuate the disconnect between federal mandates and state policies.

As the nation navigates through these uncertain times, Dr. Robert Malone stands firm in his assertion that it is crucial to address the situation pragmatically, without allowing fear-driven narratives to cloud sound judgment. He challenges the prevailing wave of fear porn, advocating for a measured and evidence-based approach that aligns with the fundamental values and freedoms of individuals and communities alike.

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Aug 26, 2023

No poisonous Jad. No diaper face I'm goinbng inanywherei want to go eat get this fakesrarring

Sutshit and hit this face covif

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